Friday, April 20, 2007


April 21, 2007
1:41 AM

DIAMOND. A diamond is forever. A treasure you can compare to a tree you planted and weathered every storm that passed it bye and after several years of heavy rains, drought and threat of illegal logging, it continued to live and bear fruits.

This stone you give to your sweetheart for your engagement. An event before going into marriage. Elegant, expensive but you do not care because... a diamond is forever.

OPAL. 14 is a significant number for the Scintillan family. Opal is the stone for the 14th month of marriage. The Romans believe that the owners of Opal stones will bring their owners powers of foresight and prophecy. This is also a token of purity and hope. Peoples of the eastern world believe that it fell from the heavens and it is sacred.

EMERALD. Emerald is now F. Ortigas Jr. Avenue. Funny but true. It is the symbol for the 35th year of marriage. The Emerald is believed to improve the wearers memory, sharpen their wit, enhance intellligence and bestow eloquence. It is also the symbol of the Greek goddess Venus. Other than bringing sincerity and giving the ability to foresee the future and bring good fortune, Venus is also a symbol of sensuality.

RUBY. Hmmm..... do I have to explain more? Believed to bring good luck to gamblers and lovers. That is Ruby.

TURQUOISE. In ancient Mexico, this stone is reserved for gods and not for worn by mere mortals. This is the birthstone for the month of December.

TOPAZ. This stone is believed to change colors in the presence of poison.

Ahhh... stones. Just like women. Precious, expensive, elegant, extravagant, hard to find.


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